Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Are they truly infallible?

Infallibility is a bold claim. Let's refer to the definition of infallible shall we?
adjective: infallible
  1. incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
    "doctors are not infallible"
    synonyms:unerring, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous
    "an infallible sense of timing"
    • never failing; always effective.
      "infallible cures"
      unfailing, unerring, guaranteed, dependable, trustworthy, reliable, sure, certain, safe, foolproof, effective;

      These are the new longwearing lipcolors from L'Oreal. They come in an array of beautifully classic, but safe shades. No crazy purples or neon pinks here. I really wanted to love these, however, the two colors I chose performed inconsistently. I will say I really enjoyed the bottom shade called Passionate Petal. The other shade called Timeless Rose, while a very elegant soft pink with silver microglitter was much harder to work with. You see, for such tall claims of infallibility, these require a bit of skill to apply. A learning curve, if you will, as the formula is fluid like a paint. It rather reminds me of the texture of a slightly thickened nail varnish. One needs to apply with its doe foot applicator and wait for it to dry without touching the lips for about 30 seconds. It's dry when it starts to feel tacky. The second step is to apply the clear balm on the other end of the product.
      Unfortunately, there are no instructions that I saw on the product to explain this process. I suspect the thin coat of lip balm I applied prior to applying Timeless Rose may have affected the overall results. In sum, this is a nice option for those of us who want a lipcolor to last and remain fresh looking for several hours. I believe one could easily get 8 hours of wear from these. The colors are gorgeous, the packaging is classy, and the price is reasonable at about 10 US Dollars. The downside is that one needs to reapply the balmy product every

      couple of hours in order to keep the finish moist looking....otherwise watch out mummy lips. The other drawback is that this is not the most user friendly formula. It can apply a bit patchily as you can see in the picture above with Timeless Rose. You need to have a steady and swift hand with these. As for infallibility...mmmm, not so much. Below pictured is 111 Passionate Petal.
       Overall, I would rate this product an 8/10.

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