Thursday, March 12, 2015

Drugstore Standouts

I will be doing a review of this gorgeous new L'Oreal palette, along with a couple of eye looks to go along with it. This palette is one of many that have been brought out in light of the amazing success that Urban Decay has had with it's series of nude palettes. How does this compare? We shall soon see.

The next item that caught my eye with it's vintage good looks was the Jergen's All-Purpose Face Cream. Look at the rather zaftig tub with its pretty painted ladies on the label....if this product has survived this many decades, I suspect it's worth trying. I have used Pond's Cold Cream in the past and found it soothing and effective, especially in Chicago style winter weather. I will put this to the test at removing a full face of makeup including waterproof mascara.

Please check in soon for my discussion of these products. See you soon, beauties!

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