Monday, August 5, 2013

Say yes to cauliflower

This meatless dish is a delight. My kids exclaimed Ooooo Mom, this is deeeelicious! This warmed my heart and brings a smile to face just thinking about it now. It is simple and looks kinda fancy plated...If I do say so
myself. My children call it cauliflower cake, I call it delicious. The tangy tomato sauce is essential to this dish and takes it from wallflower to superstar. I serve it with Poblano herbed rice which another crowd pleaser at my house. Recipe as follows;

1 quart jar of Roma tomatoes or any good quality canned tomato with juice
1.5 cups of shredded Cheddar/Jack cheese
8 eggs separated
1/2 tsp of salt
1/2 head of cauliflower blanched and cut into smallish florets
1 small white onion thinly sliced
1 clove of garlic
2 tbsp of butter
1 tsp Knorr chicken bouillon powder
Pinch of cayenne pepper or smoked paprika
Pam spray for a 13X9 inch Pyrex baking dish
Beat separated egg whites with electric mixer until soft peaks form. Fold in previously whipped remaining egg yolks. Please take care not to over stir as doing so will deflate your egg whites. Carefully pour one layer of fluffy eggs into prepared baking dish and dot with blanched and cooled cauliflower florets. Sprinkle with cheese and add the rest of fluffy beaten egg mixture. Bake at 350 for about 25 minutes or until pale golden and set in the middle. In a saucepan saute sliced onion and finely minced garlic in butter until translucent. Add pureed tomatoes, chicken powder and a pinch of cayenne pepper for a little kick. Simmer and reduce for about 15 minutes. I do this while the cauliflower cake bakes in the oven. Cut into squares and serve with sauce.

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